FAB L’Style

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Spotlight: Lifestyle Guide from Vienna-based sensational Tik-Toker Matty Mairhofer

Discover Vienna-based sensational Tik-Toker Matty Mairhofer

Matty Mairhofer has created a reputation for himself as a fashion and lifestyle influencer in Austria. His adventure began with a peculiar interest in cameras and technical gear, which was further cultivated during his secondary school days. Today, Matty has carved out a niche in the hearts of fashion-forward social media users across multiple platforms, including Tiktok, where he has been making content for over three years. He has a significant network for his lifestyle, interior, environment, and fashion stuff under the handle @mattymairhofers. This 23-year-old fashion influencer, originally from Salzburg, Austria, has a technical background in HTL.

This Vienna fashion influencer’s efforts in promoting sustainable fashion, upcycling, and recycling piqued our interest. Matty Mairhofer has previously collaborated with world-renowned fashion brands such as Diesel, Christian Dior, Zalando, Pandora, Red Bull, and many others. “In 2023, I want to discover my own personal style further and share it with my fellow men; I’m super hyped about that,” Matty says. We can only expect more from this champ in 2023.

Uncover Matty Mairhofer, Vienna-Based Sensational Tik-Toker

Fab: You have been a TikTok influencer for the last three years; how and why did you start? What’s your story?

Matty: That’s true, already three years…time is running…Long story short, I started TikTok about three years ago, and in the beginning, I just posted random phone clips because I had them in my phone gallery anyway. So I searched for a platform where I could post my clips with my favourite sounds from back then. Something just like easy video and audio editing, but with the opportunity to share the final result with the TikTok world. At the beginning, I was just a creative enthusiast having fun creating short-form phone content. Things started getting big during COVID. Now I am proud of over 700.000 lovely people watching my creative journey 🙂 

Fab: What parts of your childhood pushed you into the world of content creation?

Matty: I always created things in a certain way. I played with LEGO a lot when I was a kid and also built my own guitar out of cardboard boxes, for example, and played it in front of my parents. It was all about having a good time and doing things my way. Earlier, I created things in real life. Now I have the great opportunity to expand that also into the digital world and inspire many people with that. 

Lifestyle Guide

Fab: Matty Mairhofer, take us through your lifestyle as an influencer. What’s your typical day like?

Matty: That’s a hard one because every day is kind of different. But usually when I’m in Vienna, in my little home base, I start my day around 8:30am. I try to get fresh and make breakfast ASAP. Because once I’m on my phone or laptop, it’s over until lunch break (haha). In the afternoons, around 2 p.m. until sunset, I love to create content because of the soft light from the sun. Thereafter, I edit the videos I created during the day and post them on my social media (IG and TikTok). Throughout my activity during the day as a social media content creator, I take care of other tasks outside my own channels with my small agency.

Fab: Counting from 1 to 10, how many brands have you worked with so far? Which is most memorable for you, and which brands are you most eager to work with in the near future, and why?

Matty: I’ve worked with several brands so far, from fashion to travel, tech, food and beverage, various daily services, and many more. I’m super thankful for every single one of them and really appreciate the trust they place in me and my work. I only work with brands that suit me and my lifestyle, so that’s why all of them are kind of memorable for me. Nevertheless, I do love brand partnerships where I get to experience something new in the course of the collaboration. Something like a product launch event where I get to know inspiring, like-minded people or even a whole journey to a place I’ve never been before

Fab: What’s your formula for success with Tiktok? What would you say you did differently that gave birth to your success?

Matty: Find something you really love! And then try to do it consistently and with all your passion. Resulting from that, success will come slowly over time. 

Fab: What would you say are some of the challenges that come with being a fashion influencer in Vienna?

Matty: I’m so thankful to live here in Vienna, where I have endless opportunities, from having the most beautiful locations and lovely people to surround myself with to having the greatest nights at events, and many, many more. However, there are also a few little things, of course, that you struggle with as a content creator living in Austria/Vienna. For example, new platform updates are always rolled out last here in Austria because of the comparatively small population. This can be a little tedious when you think of the fact that content creators use these platforms as their main working tools.

Fab: What does the future look like? Are you planning to launch your own products – Matty Mairhofer line?

Matty: First, I hope to still come up with a tonne of creative ideas in the future so I can create the best possible content for my community and myself. I definitely consider launching something by myself in the near future in any kind of way, but right now I try to concentrate on my content and try to inspire as many as possible. If you’re interested you can follow my socials IG @matty_mairhofer and TikTok @mattymairhofer to be the first when something is around the corner 😉

Social Media Growth Hack from Matty Mairhofer for Aspiring Tik-Tokers

Fab: You are a pro-social media user. What would you recommend for someone whose post was unfairly deleted?

Matty: Social media can sometimes be exhausting and unfair. Most of the time, there is no explanation for it. But if you really want something to work out for you on any kind of social media platform, try it several times with different approaches and take everything as a learning process for the next time. If you’re struggling with something like that right now, I hope you will get it fixed soon. Explore fab article on The Importance of Instagram.

Fab: What wise advice would you give the young, upcoming Tik-Tokers?

Matty: Have fun and don’t overthink too much! If you don’t know what to create, get yourself inspired on the platforms and do trends and video ideas in your own kind of way and always try to bring in your personal touch. And we’ve heard it a thousand times, but it’s true: consistency is key.

Fab: Who is your key audience, and what do you do to keep them coming back?

Matty: My main audience is primarily between 18 and 24 years old and lives in German-speaking countries due to my videos, which are almost always in that language. They have interests in creative/fancy projects, fashion, travel, the daily one-room apartment lifestyle, nature, the environment, etc. I try to create content around those topics, and I also love to do long-term projects where I can create a little social media series out of it. For example, in my apartment series, I try to make a cosy home out of a one-room apartment in the middle of Vienna.

Fun Zone: #FabFast5

  • You would spend a billion dollars on…?
    Charity projects, family, good times with friends, travelling, interior, and so much more…
  • Apple or Android?
    This is a hard one. They both have their advantages and disadvantages
  • Skydiving or Snowboarding?
    I would like to snowboard in the sky. What a video this would be. 
  • Sneakers or Boots?
    Sneaker-lover all the way
  • Music or movies?

Check Matty Mairhofer out on Instagram

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