FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is an international, fashion, art & beauty – lifestyle magazine in english based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.


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Fashion: Show or Show-Off?

It’s in the word itself: “show”. Exhibit, make sure there is an audience watching. Attract attention. Sometimes, though etymology seems to take over: it is what seems to have happened during this recently closed fashion week in Milano.

The concept of a fashion show is, as a matter of fact, attract the attention of potential clients, buyers, press and celebrities in order to achieve to newer markets, strengthen brand awareness, in easy words: make more money. Still, the reason why we all have devoted our 24\7 passed week to the holy ceremony of watching is not just about “show”. It is supposed to be “fashion”, too.

Well, my friends and readers, that appears to be no longer the case: we have seen operation theaters, gas masks, fetish costumes, chopped heads and Formula1 circuits. Together with walking-stars the only talent of whom can be easily spotted in the surprisingly unique talent of walking. And being pictured.
Has all this anything to do with fashion? Apparently, it hasn’t. On a second look, though, it may have.

At the end of the day, fashion is not only an industry based on the purpose of producing items meant to cover bodies during the winter and dis-cover the same bodies when it’s summer.
It has never been so. It certainly is the most powerful way to express our own personality, our mood of the day, our wishes and desires: wouldn’t you wear a classic and reassuring tailleur for a business meeting rather than a sexy v-neck for a romantic dinner (hoping -maybe- there will be more to follow)?

Well, considering there is a creative personality behind every fashion collection, then we can easily understand how what we have seen -and judged- on the stages here in Milano is no more and no less than the juice of the creative spirit of such a label.
We may like or not the funny circus of skinny b****es dressed up like the cast of a horror movie, but we should never forget one thing: we hold the power. The power of buying or not buying, the power of ignoring, the power of choosing.
Watch everything, laugh at what makes you laugh and cry for what makes you cry. Then choose what you feel comfortable with, and make it yours.

That is the answer.

Take me to Paris – Jennifer Selamnovic from Des & Jen

Take me to Paris – Jennifer Selamnovic from Des & Jen

When Desiree and Jennifer Selmanović started their Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

“When I saw it at Bergdorf Goodman, I said to myself, ‘I can do that, too.’ ” – Marga Walcher from Esbjerg Vienna

“When I saw it at Bergdorf Goodman, I said to myself, ‘I can do that, too.’ ” – Marga Walcher from Esbjerg Vienna

Esbjerg is one of Austria’s most innovative skincare brands

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