FAB L’Style

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Spotlight: Discover Dzhafarov Bogdan, a Viennese Fashion Influencer and Stylist

He began as a florist when he was a kid. Dzhafarov Bogdan grew up to become a teen designer, artist, and athlete. But today, he has not only improved as a fashion designer but has also added social media influencing to his skill set. According to Bogdan, he began as a forum for sharing memories and photos with pals, until one day he found himself posting his outfits and dishing out exceptional fashion tips. And in the blink of an eye, his account gained 10,000 followers in 2014.

By 2016, he was receiving proposals to work with businesses. In 2021, he struck gold by landing a collaboration with major brands such as Zalando, Colourful Standard, Vestiaire Collective, Labfresh, and others. The Fabl’style team was fascinated by this young Viennese fashion influencer’s tenacity and had an interesting conversation with him, in which he shared his journey into the fashion industry, his upcoming collection, and enlightening thoughts on the industry.

FAB: How long have you been influencing on social media, and what motivated you to get started?

BG: I began using Instagram in 2013, and I’ve been doing so virtually every day for the past ten years. I’ve had the privilege of working with prominent businesses such as Zalando, Colourful Standards, Vestiaire Collective, and others since 2021. I couldn’t imagine doing that when I first started using instagram. Follow fab on Instagram for latest on fashion.

FAB: Dzhafarov Bogdan, you have a fantastic sense of fashion. I’m curious if that was inherited or if you have a source of inspiration.

BG: It is a delight to hear from you. My fashion sense was inherited, I believe. That is something I owe to my mother. She has always been concerned with my appearance since I was a toddler. Nonetheless, the influence of social media, magazines, and trends also inspires me. But I also work as a stylist and create my own brand, which helps me a lot to have a personal style by knowing how to combine the right items and designing my own stuff.

FAB: Interesting! You are both a fashion influencer and a stylist; how do you balance the two?

BG: In my case, it certainly wasn’t tough to manage being a fashion influencer while working as a stylist. So I’ve worked in journalism for a year and have also started my own fashion label during that time. I’m currently working on my first collection, which is set to be released very soon.

It is important to take time off from the internet and invest time in yourself.

Dzhafarov Bogdan

FAB: Can you tell me about some brands or campaigns you’ve worked on that you especially like?

One of my biggest campaigns is with Zalando, as is Vestiaire Collective’s. I’ve been working with Zalando for over a year and really enjoy the work. I create my own outfits, which I can share with a community. I can also apply my styling skills and inspire people to realise and buy my outfits.

FAB: What is your long-term goal, Dzhafarov Bogdan? Do you want to remain a fashion influencer in the long run?

BG: Not an easy question. I believe that once you start, it will always be a part of your life. You value and engage with the community you build. However, my dream is to be successful with my own label in the future! Being an influencer is always exciting because of the people you meet, the events you get to attend, and the opportunity to collaborate with clients from all industries. Still, you also want your peace and privacy, which, as an influencer, is not always possible!

FAB: How would you describe your usual day as a fashion influencer? And how do you get some privacy when your audience wants to know everything that is going on with you?

I’ve learned to distinguish my professional and private lives. I like to share what my daily routine looks like and what I do during the day. But nevertheless, I have also learned to shape my life in such a way that not everything goes on the internet. In my naive years between 17 and  19, I posted everything I did and occasionally turned negative. People begin to judge you, to devalue your lifestyle, and to form an opinion about you that you do not want to hear! My blog was open to everyone at the time. Now it has grown to the point where it is my profession, and I also appear appealing to customers. It is important to take time off from the internet and invest time in yourself.

FAB: What sets Dzhafarov Bogdan apart from the rest of the fashion influencers? Who is your target audience, and how do you keep them interested in your timeline?

BG: At the moment, I believe I can state that I do not have a specific target audience, though I might argue that a major portion of my community is also interested in fashion. My style speaks for itself, and I am not afraid to wear what I want. My target audience, I think, can also speak for me because they could describe my style as “it’s just bogi.” The people are interested in me because of my casual yet still luxurious touch, and because of my lifestyle in the fashion industry, I share with my community how everything is made. My plan for 2023 is to develop not only as an influencer but also as a designer and launch my own collection. Likewise, grow as a journalist in the fashion industry. I want to inspire people to believe in themselves and that they can achieve anything.

FAB: Dzhafarov Bogdan, what advice would you give your younger self on which path to take?

BG: To be honest, I’m not sure what I would tell my younger self. At this point, I’m happy with myself! I had to deal with a lot of challenges by myself. I was physically and emotionally broken and would probably counsel my younger self to pay less attention to other people’s opinions, to pretend for someone, and to let go of individuals who do not accept me for who I am. Bogi played by the rules until one day, when I decided to take care of myself and go my own way. So I made peace with myself and am learning to improve and be the best version of myself day by day. Discover Brandanjosh: Taking Sustainable Fashion & Lifestyle Scene By Storm In Vienna(Opens in a new browser tab).

FAB: What are your interests outside of fashion and social media?

BG: I’ve always loved art and have painted a lot since I was a kid. In 2019 and 2020, I held two exhibitions. I’ve worked in several styles and developed in different directions. In my younger years, I participated in a variety of activities, including swimming, jogging, and golf, where I finished second. I like music and playing the piano. I’m currently dealing with less of everything and focusing more on fashion.

Follow on Instagram: bogi___d

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